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Net force wrinkles in YPD series of industrial machine with the advantages of similar products at home and abroad
Source: www.759wg.com     Date: 2015-11-25    View: 4994

Net force wrinkles in YPD series of industrial machine with the advantages of similar products at home and abroad, has reasonable structure, beautiful appearance, simple operation, convenient maintenance, transmission balance, low noise, high thermal efficiency, flat ironing fabrics, etc.


The machine adopts the electromagnetic adjustable speed motor stepless speed regulation, according to fabric type, fabric thickness, moisture content and temperature conditions in every minute of the day (0 to 6) (0-20) m within the scope of any adjustment.


Wrinkles in electric heating machine, is after our company absorbs the domestic and foreign advanced technology design and manufacturing, for the domestic initiative, is the sole product, electrothermal ironing machine also has the following advantages:


1, in the form of electric heating, not only can reduce the pollution of the city, and do not need to use auxiliary equipment such as boiler, installation is convenient.


2, warming faster, can automatic constant temperature, the mechanical type steam ironing temperature is higher, and is equipped with XMJ type digital humidity indicator reconciliation, can according to need to set arbitrary ironing temperature, and in the range of plus or minus 2 ℃ temperature automatic control is the opening of the heating system, so that it is in a state of constant temperature.

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