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Ironing machine in the hotel laundry is what
Source: www.759wg.com     Date: 2015-11-25    View: 5339

The development of modern industry, prompted the development of modern science and technology. Now hotel, hotel use iron machine must towards more advanced, more efficient, more energy-efficient, more environmentally friendly muti_function aspect to develop to meet the needs of the market continues to grow. So some laundry investors feel the wrinkles in investing in a machine costs a little high, so he began to hesitate and wrinkles in hotel laundry room must be equipped with a machine, small make up to tell you yes, is a pressing machine must be configured. Let net washing machinery manufacturing co., LTD. Guangzhou force introduced the role of iron machine laundry room at the hotel you will see.

1, the iron machine has the function of sterilization effect

The guesthouse, the hotel traffic big, liquidity is strong, as the public places, hotels, the hotel's health and safety is very important. For bed sheets, quilt cover and towel, bath towel, sterilization and disinfection in public goods, the hotel has a strict hygiene requirements, in order to strengthen the washing effect and the washing clothing disinfection sterilization, often need to heating at the same time to large iron machine with large doses of detergent and bleach, disinfectant, for a long time washing and bleaching. But the traditional chemical sterilization method not only pollute the environment, and for a long time exposure will produce a lot of adverse effects to human body, such as skin itching, allergies, etc. But if don't use chemical agent, washing the health situation and concern. So, ironing machine must be disinfection sterilization ability is of its own washing equipment industry development inevitable trend.

2, the wrinkles machine has the characteristics of high efficiency and energy saving, green environmental protection

Environmental protection is a very popular topic nowadays, with the intensification of all kinds of pollution, people pay more and more attention to environmental protection. Washing as an indispensable part of people life, its pollution from has to be reckoned with. Hotel, hotel cleaning industry's environmental issues are also increasingly attention, how to reduce the emissions of pollutants become the most concern of the people. So the wrinkles machine should have high efficiency and energy saving, green environmental protection of quality.

After reading the above analysis of the feel the wrinkles in your laundry room must be equipped with a machine. Modern high quality service should do so. Actually wrinkles in investing in a machine is not very expensive, please login to net washing machinery manufacturing co., LTD. Guangzhou force's official website to look at.

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