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Source: www.759wg.com     Date: 2023-08-22    View: 575




1.“力凈”“力凈LIJING”商標為我司持有商標,請通過國家商標局網站國家知識產權局商標局 中國商標網 (cnipa.gov.cn)核實證書的真實性






Our company: Guangzhou LIJING Washing Equipment Co., Ltd. is a well-known brand "Lijing"  力凈LIJING”(Trademark registration No. 9427465, No. 10876641) Trademark holderIt is found that other enterprises have impersonated our name and fake "LIJING" and "It is found that other enterprises have impersonated our name and fake "LIJING" and "力凈 Lijing" trademarks to conduct business, disrupting the normal business order and damaging the legitimate rights and interests of our company and consumers. Our company has fixed the evidence. Now, we hereby declare that any act of confusing consumers and infringing our trademark rights by imitating our company name, our company will reserve the right to pursue its legal responsibility. Lijing" trademarks to conduct business, disrupting the normal business order and damaging the legitimate rights and interests of our company and consumers. Our company has fixed the evidence. Now, we hereby declare that any act of confusing consumers and infringing our trademark rights by imitating our company name, our company will reserve the right to pursue its legal responsibility.

Our company declares again:

1. "LIJING" and "力凈Lijing" are trademarks held by our company. Please verify the authenticity of the certificate through the website of the State Trademark Office, the Trademark Office of the State Intellectual Property Office, China Trademark Network (cnipa.gov.cn)

2. Our official website is: www.759wg.com, www.gdlijing.com. Any other website has nothing to do with us. The loss caused by misidentification of the website has nothing to do with our company.


3. Similar network name技術部劉總 "Technology Department Liu General",廣州力凈智能洗滌設備 "Guangzhou Lijing intelligent washing equipment" and other unauthorized by our company have nothing to do with our company, please customers and friends carefully identify.

If there is any discovery of business activities and counterfeiting of our company name, please provide some clues to us . Contact number:

Hereby declare


Declarant: Guangzhou Lijing Washing Equipment Co., LTD

Hotline: (86)13   13928870739      18218492956     13808893512
E-mail: sales@gdlijing.cn
Address: 91 Yushan Avenue, Shiqiao Street, Panyu District, Guangzhou
Copyright  ©  2009-2015  LiJing Washing Equipment Co., Ltd.   All Rights Reserved   粵ICP備09182845號    
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