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Limited Company Washing Equipment Co., Ltd. is located at No. 91 Yushan Avenue, Shiqiao Street, Panyu District, Guangzhou. With more than ten years of experience in professional cleaning equipment design, research and development, production, and sales, since the end of the 20th century, the production series of cleaning equipment has sold well throughout the country, exported to Europe, South America, Africa and other regions, covering hotels, schools, hospitals, the military, professional cleaning companies, and other fields, receiving unanimous praise from our customers. Our company mainly produces washing equipment such as fully automatic industrial washing machines, fully suspended horizontal washing machines, washing machines, dehydrators, fully automatic dryers, and multi wrinkle drum combination machines. Through strict ISO9001 quality management system evaluation, through measurement quality inspection and testing in Fengxian County, Shanghai, adopting and implementing the WTO international business model, and producing equipment

Hotline: (86)13   13928870739      18218492956     13808893512
E-mail: sales@gdlijing.cn
Address: 91 Yushan Avenue, Shiqiao Street, Panyu District, Guangzhou
Copyright  ©  2009-2015  LiJing Washing Equipment Co., Ltd.   All Rights Reserved   粵ICP備09182845號    
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