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Hotel, the guesthouse how to configure your own laundry
Source: www.759wg.com     Date: 2015-11-02    View: 5417
Now many of the large hotels, hotel, hospital, school, army, factory is equipped with laundry equipment, which can be used for cleaning is responsible for the hotel, hotel cloth grass, some of the hotel, hotel laundry equipment relatively complete, washing capacity is big, not only can wash linen clothing store, also engaged in outside washing business, greatly improving the utilization of washing equipment, so the guesthouse, the hotel is equipped with laundry equipment to consider many factors, the end of our hotel, how to configure the industrial washing machine, how to configure the laundry equipment, investment budget how many money ah. Which brand of equipment purchase a series of problems such as we need to go to good torture to analysis. 
A, the socialization of local washing industry 
Hotel in washing industry how socialization degree, technical level, is also an important factor in considering whether to set up shop is a laundry room. If the local washing industry socialization is relatively common, washing technology level is higher, the hotel can be used with outside washing laundry company signed contract, have a laundry company responsible for washing of the restaurant business. In Shanghai, Beijing and other places due to the high degree of social service, the hotel had almost no laundry, washing all business shall be borne by the professional laundry company. 
Second, the guesthouse, the hotel's size 
The size of the guesthouse, hotel is an important factor considered equipped with laundry equipment, hotel size, usually is the daily washing capacity: linen is big, if washing to the laundry company, have the following questions: 
The high cost of 1, washing; 
2, washing quality is not easy to control; 
3, linen loss relatively large; 
4, linen velocity slower. 
So, large hotels, hotel has generally belongs to the hotel, the hotel washing machine room. 
Three, hotel washing technology 
Professional laundry technology demand is higher, the stronger, the guesthouse, the hotel should consider its own technical level and presence of professional washing technology, to determine whether to set up shop is the laundry room. 
The site of the four, the guesthouse, the hotel laundry 
Laundry facilities, covers an area of relatively large, if the hotel area is larger, the space allows, can consider to set up the laundry conversely. 
Five, the money of the hotel 
Hotel washing machine room equipment investment is large, when deciding whether to set up shop is a laundry room, must consider money, consider input and output of the problem. 
If we do the above analysis, we can know that the hotel should be how to configure a laundry room, how to configure is the laundry room, if you want to learn more about laundry industry consulting, please continue to focus on our official website 

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