







尼日利亞,代理商,做了中國一家工業洗衣房設備公司的5年代理商。 由于最近他們收到其他供應商的貨出了些質量問題,需要重新找廠家。




Malaysia customers, agents, has been a 5 year agent of a Chinese industrial washing machine company. As the goods they received from other supplier recently had some quality problems, they needed to find the new cooperation factory.

At the end of August, the customer informed that there was no inquiry yet, but he need the quotation for reference, and then the quotation was made according to the customer's requirements.

In the early September, customers said he was thinking of visiting our factory in Guangzhou. On Sept. 8, He come to our factory to check the machines. Our customers came from the maintenance department and have second-hand and renovated washing equipment of international brand. But Import the new machine from China.

When the customer came to our warehouse, he was interested to see our machine and checked the main parts of all the products. The customer checks parts and machines for evaluation. He said the motor and our convertor are of very good quality,he known this. And analysis of our all stainless steel drum and shell and the high quality parts were the main selling point, motor, converter are good quality.

Customers saw our coin-operated upper dryer and lower washer machine,and was very interested it, the biggest feature of this machine is it include the three functions of washing, extracting and drying, one machine and replace the normal standard two machines, and it is Maximized saving area. We show the machine’s testing to customer, the machine runs smoothly and stable,and low noise, the customer liked it very much.

Customers informed that this machine would be very popular in their country. Finally decided to buy samples to test market demand before talking about agency.

力凈官方全國統一銷售熱線:400-603-8886  我們承諾以高效的團隊服務精神來配合您的誠意

售后服務電話:   13570415332    郵箱:sales1@gdlijing.cn     地址:廣州市番禺區鐘村街錦繡花園西區翠屏苑4座372號

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