










A customer from Uganda, has never known anything regarding to the laundry, he planned to open a Gym one year ago. Then questions coming. The gym supply towels every day. The towels should be collected and cleaned every day. So he needs to buy washing equipment to wash them, but one set of washing equipment would take a lot of money. There is a law firm downstairs , 30 lawyers have to change their suits every day, plus the uniforms of other office workers, etc. This would be a good investment. So he started the journey to China and bought washing equipment.

Before the customers came to us, they went to see the other three factories. When the customers saw our machines, they immediately noticed that they had to go forward and look at the details of the machines. They were very satisfied. After sitting down, we told about our after-sales service. The questions one after another, His main worry was that he don’t know how to use the machine. He did not know how to deal with the machine failure. We solemnly told him that, first of all, we have the quality machine. This is a big premise. In normal use, they only need to follow our usage and maintenance methods. The failure rate of the machine was very low, that was, the daily replacement of easy Loss parts, etc. The quick-wear part we would ship with the machine when delivery. Regarding the installation and operation of the machine, we would arrange for technicians to be in place to install and debug, as well as detailed training on how to use machine and machine troubleshooting. The customer was very satisfied , and paid the deposit on the spot.

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